Gaining knowledge in nutrition is a vital tool for building a successful, healthy lifestyle for self and others. A holistic nutrition degree program aims to teach students the skills they need to make informed decisions regarding their health and clients’ health. While each program may have slightly different focuses, these important pillars generally form the foundation of holistic nutrition for a healthy lifestyle and healing process.
1. Science of Acid-Alkaline Diet
An online Holistic nutrition degree presents crucial diet concepts on an acid-alkaline diet. The science behind the acid-alkaline diet relies on the idea that human bodies need an optimal acid/alkaline balance to function properly. The acid/alkaline balance depends on the pH of the body’s internal environment. The ideal pH for humans is slightly alkaline, so striving for a somewhat alkaline diet is essential. The acid-alkaline diet recommends limiting the intake of acidic foods and focusing on eating more alkaline foods.
An optimal acid-alkaline balanced diet can help increase one’s power, strength, and energy; boost one’s immune system; reduce inflammation; improve digestion; prevent diseases; and detoxify the body by oxygenating the body tissues. However, one must also be mindful of their hydration status and other requirements when following this diet to maintain optimal health.
2. Concept of Enzymes and Nutrition
Enzymes are proteins that act as catalysts and affect digestion, assimilation, metabolic processes, and the overall health of individuals. A holistic nutrition degree also focuses on the science of how nutrients and other dietary components interact with our bodies to keep us healthy. When it comes to holistic nutrition, it is crucial to understand the concept of enzymes and nutrition and how they relate. Enzymes help break down food into its parts, which body cells can absorb.
The body needs specific vitamins and minerals for optimal functioning, but enzymes also provide these nutrients. Furthermore, enzymes work in tandem with vitamins and minerals and help absorb these essential nutrients. For example, vitamin C helps promote iron absorption from foods, while an enzyme called pepsin helps break down proteins so that the body can digest and utilize the proteins. Therefore, understanding the relationship between enzymes and nutrition is critical to understanding how food and supplements affect human health.
3. Sources and Ratios of the 3 Caloronutrients
An online holistic nutrition degree program will teach you about the three essential macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Carbohydrates should be the primary source of calories in the diet and are found mainly in grains, fruits, and vegetables. Protein is vital for tissue growth, development, and repair, and its primary sources are legumes, nuts, and seeds. Fats provide energy and act as carriers for fat-soluble vitamins.
Healthy fat sources include olive oil, avocados, nuts, and seeds. It’s essential to have the proper ratio of these three caloronutrients. A well-rounded diet should consist of 45-65% carbohydrates, 10-35% protein, and 20-35% fat. That said, ratios may vary based on an individual’s goals and dietary needs. For example, athletes may need more protein for muscle recovery and growth.
4. Cellular Body Energy Requirements
Whether you’re a master’s student or enrolling for an undergraduate degree program in holistic nutrition, acquiring adequate knowledge of cellular body energy requirements is crucial to maintaining long-term good health. Cells require energy to grow and divide as well as to repair themselves. Cellular body energy comes from the foods one consumes, and it is essential to understand what foods provide the most effective power for optimal health.
A holistic nutrition degree program will teach students about the various nutrients that can give this energy, such as protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. They will learn how to calculate individual energy needs. The information on energy needs can give insight into creating healthy meal plans that provide adequate and balanced nutrition.
Additionally, students will understand the importance of detoxification and digestion as these are critical factors in cellular body energy requirements. By understanding cellular body energy requirements, holistic nutrition graduates can better educate their patients on the food choices they should make to maintain optimal health and remain vibrant.
5. Consumption of Pure Water and Detoxification
Water is the most critical nutrient for optimal health and well-being, and it’s no surprise that a holistic nutrition degree program will emphasize the importance of consuming pure water. Studies have shown that drinking adequate clean, filtered water helps to reduce the toxic load in the body, aids in digestion and elimination, and helps maintain homeostasis. The goal with water consumption is to ensure that you’re drinking enough and that your water is toxin-free.
Consuming enough purified water throughout the day is essential for flushing out toxins from the body. In a holistic nutrition program, students will learn about the importance of consuming pure water and reducing their exposure to environmental toxins for optimal and long-term well-being.
Holistic nutrition is a comprehensive care system for the body, mind, and spirit. A holistic nutrition degree program will allow students to learn about the holistic approach to health and wellness through enhanced nutrition strategies. Through education in holistic nutrition, students will understand how following the holistic nutrition best practices creates a healthy lifestyle and reverses deteriorating health conditions.